Monday, April 6, 2020

Color Wheel Challenge

Reviewing color is always a good idea. I recently participated in a painting workshop and was asked to make a color wheel by mixing different types of primary colors (red,blue,yellow).  It was such a good exercise. 

Your exercise is to make a color wheel using anything in your home! You can use objects, fabric, paper...whatever you can find. You can use more than one object/thing for colors. 
 I ate most of my color wheel after making it! 

The colors do not have to be exact but one clue to making it work is placing opposites or complementary colors across from each other.  RED-GREEN/BLUE-ORANGE/PURPLE-YELLOW are groups of complementary colors.  

Try to show all the colors you see especially the secondary colors in your wheel (GREEN/ORANGE/PURPLE)

Photograph your work then either upload it to google classroom or email it to me. 
 Have fun! 

First student work to come in for this assignment! Wow that was fast!

What are the Elements of Shading?

We have been studying light and how to notice it in a still-life.  Complete the still-life puzzle below and answer these questions:

  • What are the "Elements of Shading"?  
  • How do they help make a drawing realistic?
  • What is a still-life?

Click to Mix and Solve