Wednesday, March 25, 2015


What can you discover about ceramics when you explore new ideas and concepts?  

This project will require you to try something new on a small scale.  Your project will be no bigger than 10 inches or as small as you like.  If you are in Advanced Ceramics you have taken this course for over a semester so at this point you have tried most “traditional” methods of construction and glazing.  There is SO MUCH more out there!  So search the internet, especially sites like Pinterest to find something that you think would be interesting to try.  

You will be required to:
  • ·      Try a new method of construction or glazing
  • ·         Create a sketch of what you are doing labeled with the Elements and Principles of Design you are exploring
  • ·         Demonstrate the technique used to the class
  • ·         Complete a self-reflection at the end of construction and glazing

All of these ceramic pieces have something unique about the glazes.  Have you ever added glass to a glaze?  How would you do that?  What kinds of glass can you fire in the kiln?  What about adding multiple layers of texture and glazes?  Have you ever used slip to add a different color then drawn a design taking away the slip?  

Hone your Drawing Skills!

Advanced Drawing and Painting

Drawing a crushed can is a challenging task.  There will be complicated creases and folds to understand. The material (metal) reflects  light more than other objects creating many value changes.  After you find the can you would like to draw, crush it. Make it flat enough the you can keep it in your sketchbook or close by so when you have the time you can look at it. View the video below to help you see steps someone else took to complete the drawing.  This drawing will be due on 11/1.

Crushed-Can Drawing Video

Drawing from Columbus North High School Blog

What will make this drawing successful is getting everything in proportion, portraying the correct value changes, and paying close attention to detail.  So begin with observing the can.  What shape does it make now that it is crushed?  Draw that first, then slowly start to build up value changes. Try to have similar lighting when you draw the can. Most lights in rooms are directly above, but if there is a large window it may effect the highlights and shadows, if you begin with a contour drawing you can wait until you have a large chunk of time time to do the surface.  I am looking forward to seeing the final drawings.