Monday, October 12, 2015

Charcoal Drawing Reflection

Complete the following reflection when you finish your Charcoal Drawing. 

Describe the elements and principles of design that are relevant for this charcoal drawing.
What do you think is the most successful part of your drawing?

What areas of your drawing would you like to improve on?  


White Drawing on Black Paper

Drawing and Painting

Now that you have worked with a dark value on a light background, lets try the reverse.  We will be focusing on how to show core shadows and cast shadows by leaving the paper free of charcoal.  This is an extremely difficult exercise because you will want to start with a contour drawing, BUT DONT!
If you do then you may be placing a light value where a dark one should be. It is tricky!  Check out these you-tube videos below. They are amazing!

Essential Questions

How do artists learn to draw realistically?
For this lesson: 
·         How do artists represent different values in their subject/object?
·         How do artists represent the 5 elements of shading ( highlight, half-tone, core shadow, reflected light, cast shadow) on black paper?

Steps to take:
·         OBSERVE the object over and over and over again….the shape, size, texture.
·         ASK YOURSELF:  Where do you see the lightest light?  Where is the darkest dark?
·         SKETCH the object lightly.
·         SHADE the lightest areas first, leaving the dark areas where the paper shows.
·         Use your eraser to help you create the form.


Charcoal Drawing Reflection/White on Black one object
Complete the following reflection when you finish your Charcoal Drawing. 

Describe in detail how you created contrast in your drawing.
What areas of your drawing would you like to improve on?