Monday, September 26, 2016


Of course pumpkins have value, they have a beautiful color, without them what would fall and Halloween be??? So pumpkins are valuable, but where can we see the Element of Design VALUE in them?  When you have completed all of your warm-up VALUE exercises, do a pencil sketch of a pumpkin from my desk. Make sure you show all the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows (core and cast) that you see.   Take a look below at a great example of this exercise:

Remember all that you learned when doing the value exercises, ask yourself these questions:

  • Where is the darkest value?
  • Where is the lightest value?
  • How dark is the pumpkin compared to the stem and the paper?
  • Is the stem thin, thick, curvy, short?
Take your time observing...
After you finish the drawing and you have done your best, complete the following reflectio/assessment:    Pumpkin Value Rubric