Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Web Design Journal

During the semester you will be required to assess your work and do some written reflections.   You should copy and paste the journal questions into one Word document that you keep in your documents folder and another copy in the Kaiser folder.   Copy and paste the following questions into a word document then answer.  

Journal Entry One                                                             Intro Adobe Photoshop Lesson

1.    What is positive and negative space and how does it relate to your creative self-portraits?

2.    What is contrast and how does it add depth to your work?

3.    When we talk about values what are we referring to?

4.    Which selection tools did you find the most effective?  Why?

5.    Out of all your self-portraits, which color schemes do you like the best?  Why?

6.    What is opacity and transparency?   Describe how each is used in your artwork?  How do you change these characteristics in text, shapes, and color in Photoshop?

7.    View all the text/shapes created by your peers.  Pick one or two that you feel is successful in that they:  have an interesting color scheme, creative text/shape with f/x….describe why you like them. 

8.    How do you feel about the work you created in class?  What needs to be improved upon?

Monday, February 24, 2014


Intro to Drawing and Painting

Take a look at the Pablo Picasso painting called, "The Old Guitarist".  I would like you to describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate this painting.  These are the formal steps of critique.  Please type your critique and print by the end of the class period.  You will be assessed on your work but it will not count towards your final grade. You will learn all about critiquing artwork over the semester.