Other artists
can be a great inspiration for a work of art,especially great artists. Each of you will be given an artist to research (don’t worry no research
paper). You will jots some notes down
about what you have learned about the
artist in your sketchbook.
Answer the following questions:
- · When
did they live?
- · What
“style” are they famous for?
- · How
are the Principles of Design used in their work?
- · What
is your reaction to their work?
Print out 3 pictures of the artist’s work and keep in your sketchbook. As
each student completes their research they will share with the class.
Artists that will INSPIRE us...
Beate Kuhn, John Glick, Shiho
Kanzaki, Peter Voulkos, Annie Woodford, Hara Kiyoshi, Abe Anjin, Carol Long, Ellen Schon, Victor Spinski