Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Sgraffito (in Italian "to scratch") is a decorating pottery technique created by applying layers of under glazes, colored slips, or engobe to leather hard pottery and then scratching off parts of the layers to create contrasting images, patterns, and texture to reveal the clay color underneath.  Below are some examples of the technique. Follow this link to learn more about Sgraffito .

You will be using this technique on one of  your final exam pieces.

Images originally published at Lakeside Pottery, Stamford Ct. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Home Page Critique

Designing for the Web

As we begin designing our home page for our website we need to understand what makes the home or index page successful?  The home page is the first page a viewer sees so it needs to function properly and be appealing. We will view several websites in class and discuss what elements are making it work or not.  You will then find two websites that you will critique.  One should be an example of a poorly designed site and the other a successful one.  Use the, "Elements of a Successful Website" document as you critique the websites.  View the "Website Critique" document for your complete assignment.