Here's a portrait challenge!

Complete the portrait below-actually complete the puzzle of the portrait below.  Press the play button to begin. How long did it take?  Too hard? Too easy? Let me know in the comments on the class stream.  

  1. Click to Mix and Solve

Jigsaw Challenge of the Day!

If you are all caught up in Art Class. Here is your next assignment!  Complete this puzzle. Time yourself and see if you can improve.  What is the name of this painting?  Who painted it?
Have fun! Press the white triangle play button to begin. 

Click to Mix and Solve

Creative ways to make ART!

"Even though most of us are stuck at home during this time and can’t go out and enjoy art in museums, that doesn’t mean that life has to be boring or uncultured. The Getty Museum in Los Angeles challenged art fans to post photos of themselves recreating their favorite works of art from the safety of their homes. People responded with a lot of enthusiasm and flooded social media with their unique artistic interpretations. Scroll down to see the best examples!" 

So this will be fun!  Let's see what you all can come up with.  Use anything you like.  The replication can be as tiny or as large as you want. You can use people, animals, figurines, legos, food....whatever you like.
The list below has some suggestions but you can choose another masterpiece or use one you see in the examples below.  This will be an ongoing lesson as I receive photographs I will post them.

  • "Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali (7th Grade Assignment)
  • "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da'Vinci
  • "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh
  • "The Scream" by Edvard Munch 
  • "Cristina's World" by Andrew Wyeth
  • "The Mona Lisa"  by Leonardo Da Vinci 
  • "Drawing Hands"  by M.C. Escher 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Hello Everyone! As I sit staring at my laptop eagerly waiting to connect with all of you I play fetch with my cat "Ona". Ona is a word used in Basque (region in Spain) that means good, delicious yummy. Click on her picture to see the video!

Monday, March 30, 2020

What is out there? Reflections.

In the past weeks we have been studying eyes and how to draw them realistically.  This drawing assignment combines your skills in drawing and your imagination.   You can research different landscapes that are realistic or fantasy like to include in the reflection.  Use a paper that is 8 x 10 drawing your eye to fill the paper. If you do not have any plain drawing paper you can use lined paper or be creative, search your place for something that can be used as a drawing surface.  

Have fun with it! If you would like to add color feel free! 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

What is on the other side?

In 7th grade we study Surrealism and Perspective and how they work together to create a imaginary work of art that is based in reality.   This lesson shows us how perspective can help show distance.  The keyhole is in the foreground (very close to us) what's on the other side is further away in the background, everything else is the middle-ground.  Some ways we can show distance is by drawing things smaller when the are farther away, fade colors in the distance, draw a horizon line, and if you have a road or river as it moves away from you have it get smaller and smaller until it vanishes.  Take a look at the examples below and try this lesson on your own.  

Steps you can take:
  1. Look for images of antique key-holes as a reference
  2. What do you want to draw on the other side?  Fantasy? Or realistic?
  3. Have fun! Draw what you want to.  It's your art you can choose.