Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Flash Final

Designing for the Web

Make your final Flash project a personal work of art that reflects your style and interests. Your final project in Flash should include:
  • shape, classic, motion, and/or motion presets
  • sound
  • ActionScript (play/pause button)
  • a point of view and a clear theme
  • 30 seconds or longer

Below are two examples of ways to approach this project (they are works in progress..).

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Multiple Tile Reflection

Take some time to reflect on the process you went through to create your tiles and the final result.  It is always good to learn from your work.

Adding "Action Script" to your Slide-Show

Designing for the Web

The movie below is a final flash project created by a student from a previous semester.  In a few weeks you have been introduced to the very basics of what Flash can do.  We have only scratched the service of what Flash is capable of.  ActionScript was added to the file below.  Action Script is a type of code added into keyframes to add action to the movie.  For instance the action makes the movie start when you press the word "play".  Go ahead and press play and see what happens.In your final flash project you will use the same script to start your own movies.