Friday, May 3, 2013

Adding Action Script

Designing for the Web

The movie below is a final flash project created by a student from a previous semester.  In a few weeks you have been introduced to the very basics of what Flash can do.  We have only scratched the service of what Flash is capable of.  ActionScript was added to the file below.  Action Script is a type of code added into keyframes to add action to the movie.  For instance the action makes the movie start when you press the word "play".  Go ahead and press play and see what happens.In your final flash project you will use the same script to start your own movies.  

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pinch Pot Journal Entry


Complete the following journal entry when you have finished glazing all of your pinch pots. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Creating a Slide-Show in Flash

Designing for the Web

Now that you know how to  create Shape, Motion, and Classic Tweens it is time to learn how to create a slide show in Flash.  The images below are fading in and out by adjusting the "alpha" in the color effect area of the properties panel.  

Begin by inserting your image to a layer (File-import image to stage), convert it to symbol-choosing movie clip for your option.  Then insert a key-frame 10 frames down the timeline. Insert another keyframe on Frame 25.   On frame 25 make the alpha  0.  After doing this create a Classic Tween between  frame 10 and 25.   On a new layer insert a key-frame where the first picture begins to fade out (frame 10).  Import a new image. Convert to symbol. On this frame the alpha will be 0.  Insert a keyframe 15 frames down the timeline (frame 25).  At this frame the alpha will be 100.  Create a classic tween. Insert a keyframe 10 Frames down the timeline (frame 35).  Insert another keyframe 15 frames down the timeline.  At this frame the alpha will be 0.  Create a classic tween between (frames 35-50).  Repeat this process by inserting a key frame where the previous picture begins to fade out. 

The final part of the slide show is fading the very first picture of the slide in where the last picture is fading out.  This should create a smooth transition from beginning to end.  

When creating a slide show you can speed up or slow down the transitions by putting fewer or greater frames in between the key-frames.  There are many ways to make slide-shows, this is only one way to get you started.
Now create one of your own and place in the "Flash Intro" folder as an .swf when finished. Save as "lastnameslideshow"