Thursday, December 27, 2012

What is Modern Art?

Drawing and Painting

On January 4th some of you will be going on a field trip to the Modern Museum of Art (MOMA) in New York City.  Before the visit we should discuss the meaning of Modern art.  A great resource that helps define Modern Art is on the MOMA's website.  Read it over and then write about what Modern Art is and describe a few works of Modern Art that you like. 

         What is Modern Art?                                  Glossary of Art Terms

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Web Design Final Exam Project

Designing for the Web

As we approach the final month of class you will be learning the basics of Dreamweaver Cs5.5.  You will use your knowledge of Flash and Photoshop to help you make a creative website.  Now that we have critiqued many websites we know what elements you need to create a successful website. Apply what you have learned to your own site. Answer the questions about your concept in the Final Exam Project Document.

View Previous Student Work at BHS Art Web

"Retro Reviws" 2010

"Running" 2010

Monday, December 17, 2012

Artist Jeremy Collins

Jeremy Collins 

A doodle on a napkin paints a picture...

Artists are fortunate because they are able to express themselves as they create. I really love the way Jeremy Collins shows a feeling of sadness and support in this doodle that has been turned into a print.  He really captures the weight of the grief of the person seated.  The red arms show the connection everyone has to the person seated and how they want to help.  If you would like to find out more about this print and Jeremy Collins check out the following sites. 

Jeremy Collins                                  Sandy Hook Print

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Student Websites

Designing for the Web

When teaching the intro class one of my goals is to help students understand how the elements and principles of design apply to creating a website. It is also crucial for students to understand that usually  graphic designers collaborate with web designers and programmers. Dreamweaver CS5.5 has so many templates that some people may think that you do not need to be an artist to design a great website.  I think aesthetics and artistry are relevant when creating a website or blog. In this class students take on roles of graphic designer, computer programmer, and website designer, but there is emphasis on the "designer" part.   Students learn the basics of Flash, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver to allow them to create a well-designed site. Below are a few examples of student work. One student created a website about his band, another about his college search, and then there are the sites about coffee and tea. These were done in a very short period of time, but are wonderful first attempts.  Click on the image to navigate to the site's home page.

International Tea by Zhanneta

All about Coffee by Shoshanna

Suppressed Rage by Tim

By Luke

Let's begin with the "home" page.

Designing for the Web

As we begin designing our home page for our website we need to understand what makes the home or index page successful?  The home page is the first page a viewer sees so it needs to function properly and be appealing. We will view several websites in class and discuss what elements are making it work or not.  You will then find two websites that you will critique.  One should be an example of a poorly designed site and the other a successful one.  Use the, "Elements of a Successful Website" document as you critique the websites.  View the "Website Critique" document for your complete assignment.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Who is Shepard Fairey??

Fairey "Andre, the Giant" 1989
Designing for the Web

When designing our digital images we need to be aware of copyright laws and what  "fair use" or "public domain" means.  Shepard Fairey reached millions of people when he designed the "Hope" poster using an image of President Obama.  There was a lot of controversy 
amongst artists when it came to how Fairey acquired the image he used for the poster.  Your assignment is to discover more about the controversy, Shepard Fairey, and copyrighting.   Complete the following assignment and be prepared to talk about your findings in class.

Fairey "Hope" 2008

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Perspective and Perception

Intro to Drawing and Painting

Your next artistic challenge will be to create an acrylic painting that shows your knowledge of perspective. Create the illusion of space by portraying objects and architecture the correct size and proportion.  Choose an architectural or atmospheric space that is intriguing to you and then make a painting that represents that space in your personal way.  You may simplify the details to create an abstract painting or you can try for a realistic rendering. 

View the following Document for more information on this lesson:

The paintings below make an impact by including perspective as a key component to design. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Creating a White Still-Life

Advanced Drawing and Painting

Link to Eileen Eder's Paintings

Our next challenge will be to paint a still-life that is predominately made up of white objects.  You will be focusing on value changes and how value creates the form of an object.  View  "Painting an Almost White Still-Life" document. 

The Elements of Shading

Intro to Drawing and Painting

Complete a pencil drawing in your sketchbook of a sphere or egg that clearly shows the 5 elements of shading.  Take a look at the "shading document" to better understand these elements. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Intro to Drawing and Painting

Students in the Intro to Drawing and Painting class took their time getting to know watercolor by painting the facial features. It is very difficult to control the watercolors and create a likeness of someone.  Students did an outstanding job!  
To view all of the paintings completed by the students go to Watercolor Portraits.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Action Script!

Designing for the Web

The movie below is a final flash project created by a student from a previous semester.  In a few weeks you have been introduced to the very basics of what Flash can do.  We have only scratched the service of what Flash is capable of.  ActionScript was added to the file below.  Action Script is a type of code added into keyframes to add action to the movie.  For instance the action makes the movie start when you press the word "play".  Go ahead and press play and see what happens.In your final flash project you will use the same script to start your own movies.  

Flash Final

Designing for the Web

Make your final Flash project a personal work of art that reflects your style and interests. Your final project in Flash should include:
  • shape, classic, motion, and/or motion presets
  • sound
  • ActionScript (play button)
  • a point of view and a clear theme
Below are two examples of ways to approach this project (they are works in progress...hopefully they will be finished soon).

Monday, November 26, 2012


Intro to Drawing and Painting

Now that you have been drawing realistic features, trying to create the correct tones in the skin and hues in the facial features it is time to move away from reality and use an imaginative, expressionistic color scheme.  Why do this?  Because art isn't only about being able to manipulate a medium to represent reality it is also used to express oneself.   During a time when Picasso had experienced loss he created paintings that reflected his mood and used the color blue to accentuate this. The fauvist used many vibrant colors, not necessarily to express happiness or jovial times, but to break away from traditional art.  In the next few classes we will explore color schemes.  Take a look at the work below to see colors used in a non-traditional way. Also review the Color Vocabulary List because there will be an assessment of color terms at the end of the project.


Emil Nolde



Monday, November 19, 2012

Creating a Slide Show in Flash

Designing for the Web

Now that you know how to  create Shape, Motion, and Classic Tweens it is time to learn how to create a slide show in Flash.  The images below are fading in and out by adjusting the "alpha" in the color effect area of the properties panel.  

Begin by inserting your image to a layer (File-import image to stage), convert it to symbol-choosing movie clip for your option.  Then insert a key-frame 10 frames down the timeline. Insert another keyframe on Frame 25.   On frame 25 make the alpha  0.  After doing this create a Classic Tween between  frame 10 and 25.   On a new layer insert a key-frame where the first picture begins to fade out (frame 10).  Import a new image. Convert to symbol. On this frame the alpha will be 0.  Insert a keyframe 15 frames down the timeline (frame 25).  At this frame the alpha will be 100.  Create a classic tween. Insert a keyframe 10 Frames down the timeline (frame 35).  Insert another keyframe 15 frames down the timeline.  At this frame the alpha will be 0.  Create a classic tween between (frames 35-50).  Repeat this process by inserting a key frame where the previous picture begins to fade out. 

The final part of the slide show is fading the very first picture of the slide in where the last picture is fading out.  This should create a smooth transition from beginning to end.  

When creating a slide show you can speed up or slow down the transitions by putting fewer or greater frames in between the key-frames.  There are many ways to make slide-shows, this is only one way to get you started.
Now create one of your own and place in the "Flash Intro" folder as an .swf when finished. Save as "lastnameslideshow"

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shoreline Arts Trail 2012!!!

Get a group together, explore with your family, or go with a friend and meet an artist that lives and works in your community. Learn about the artists participating HERE

If you are in one of my classes you will be required to learn about an artist in the community this semester, so take advantage of the Open Studios this weekend.  When you visit the studios bring your sketchbook and ask the artist how they got started, if and where they studied art formally.  View their work, write about their art using art vocabulary in your own voice.  Use the Four Steps of Critique to do a more formal analysis of one of their works of art.  The most beneficial part of this experience will be talking to the artist.  If you cannot make any of the open studios this weekend start doing some research on artists in the community to see which ones you would be interested in visiting.

Out of this WORLD!

Designing for the Web

These Surreal works of art utilize many of the tools we have been learning in Adobe Photoshop.  Some very interesting photos that are definitely out of this world!

Amy B

Tanner G

Andrew M

John T

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Inspiration is Everywhere

Intro Drawing and Painting 

At a recent teacher workshop I was given a hand-out that contained a lot of information.  As the speaker presented I was looking over the hand-out and spotted words that resonated with me.  I underlined these words, drew designs around them, and began to doodle pictures that came to mind.  My doodling helped me better understand what the speaker was trying to get across and I was inspired to create a collage.  I first ripped and cut the words out from the hand-out then I used mod-podge (acrylic gel medium) to glue them to Bristol board.  I then began to layer pastels, mixing them with mod-podge.  The piece was spontaneous, like a doodle. Try this for a sketchbook assignment-you can add photographs, use marker, pastel, ink...etc.  Over the next week think about words your hear or see…maybe you will be inspired by words in a song or during a lecture in school. 

A book I find inspirational is:
Unfurling, A Mixed-Media Workshop with Misty Mawn: Inspiration and Techniques for Self-Expression through Art. The collages below are examples of her work.  Her work is multi-faceted and so much fun to look at.  I especially enjoy the way she incorporates a still-life into this collage.
Collage by Mysty Mawn

Collage by Mysty Mawn

Monday, November 12, 2012

Creating a Shape Tween

Designing for the Web

When you create a shape tween you morph one shape into another.  It is relatively easy and fun to make!  Follow the guidelines in the shape tween lesson and you will be on your way to designing in Flash.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Street Art

Advanced Drawing and Painting

Art expresses the human experience.  It tells a story about us. Check out these creative street artists  and choose one that expresses something you can relate to. Write about what you find intriguing about the art.  I really love the one above because it reminds me of being a child. I love the monumental size of the hands-someone might think, just for a second that someone is casting their shadow on the wall.  An unexpected surprise! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Art Club will be meeting after school in C16 on Monday November 5th

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Designing for the Web

Flash is used to create short animations and are used often to enhance a website.  This lesson will introduce you to Classic Tween, Motion Tween, and Motion Presets. It will also help you become familiar with the layout of the Flash program.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creating Gradients

Designing for the Web

Gradients are used everywhere on the Web.  Take a look and see!  You will be learning how to create custom gradients that will be utilized when we make
our websites.   
Complete the Gradient Assignment by Friday October 26th


Monday, October 22, 2012

Robert Rauschenberg

Advanced Drawing and Painting

Rauschenberg, a relevant Pop-Artist and Abstract Expressionist, gave us some very unique works of art.  As you develop your Activist Art piece it would be beneficial to take a closer look at his work. In your sketchbook write about your reaction to one of the pieces below.  What do you think Rauschenberg is trying to say?  Does his work appeal to your aesthetic?  Look carefully at the materials he uses to create his art.  Describe them.  Discover more about the work of art.  When was it created?  Did the artist reveal what the work was about? Please do some additional research to learn as much as you can about the work of art.  We will discuss your findings in class on Monday 10/29.

Retroactive 1


Factum 11


Unique Creatures...

Designing for the Web

Take a look at some very interesting creatures made by Web Design students.

Amy B

Destiny G

Richard P

Clark D

Dan B

COLOR...and Fauvism

Intro to Drawing and Painting

What is Fauvism and who were the major artists that are associated with the movement?  Your next journal assignment is to research this movement. Look at paintings that were made by artists during the Fauvist movement.  Find one that you like or are intrigued by and write about it in your sketchbook.  Make sure you include some information about the artist that created it, as well as, the four steps of critique.  We will share what you have learned in class on Friday. 

Surrealism Reflection

Designing for the Web

If you have a completed your Surreal work of art in Photoshop complete the

Journal Entry on Surrealism.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

small objects LARGE DRAWINGS

Advanced Drawing and Painting

Quinn B

Meglin B